From industrial products to biological specimens, Molcer Plus provides fine view, plenty of methods and comfortable operation.
Molcer Plus is software to view / measure / process various 3-Dimensioned objects.
- Import 2D sectional image sequences exported by CT or MRI apparatus.
Available file format is TIFF, DICOM, JPEG, PNG, BMP. - Import 3D object too heavy for PC’s performance by scaling down.
- Besides CT-Scanned data, STL file is also available.

Reconstruct CT-scanned sequential image files to 3D object. 3D object can be rotated and scaled freely. Make polygon of surface and change display, rendering type and color at will. You can show biological specimen by opaque bone and transparent body, by duplicating polygon and adjusting its threshold values.

You can show cut view of 3D objects by combination of opaque surface polygon, transparent internal voxel and clipping plane. Color of section is also selectable.
- Show surface view of 3D objects (Surface Rendering)
- Show penetrated view of 3D objects (Volume Rendering)
- Show, hide and change rendering type and color of polygon data
- Show Scale Bar
- Easily control clipping plane to show section
- Rotate / Move / Scale 3D objects
- Show multiple 3D objects alongside, synchronize them

Process sterically to simplify viewing and analyzing inside structure. Noises or unnecessary area can be deleted and appearance can be refined by various mathematical filter.

Generally, CT-scanned data has higher resolution than CAD data so that sometimes too large to be handleable or overqualified for 3D printer. Polygon reduction keeping shape can resolve that. For large scale objects, polygon clipping does. Auto process of cavities or particles will also contribute to 3D printing.
- Increase / decrease / smooth / change contrast by designated area
- Delete connected area or except connected area
- Fill cavity
- Smoothing filter / level off / morphological operation to entire voxel data
- Polygon reduction keeping shape
- Polygon clipping by clipping plane
- Auto divide particle or cavity connected partially
- Flatten unevenness (“Closing / Opening”)
- Duplicate polygon / voxel data
- Operation between two voxel data (addition, subtraction, max, min)
- Make labels to voxel data
- Thicken thin parts (“Part Dilation”)

Measure distance and angle of 3D objects like parts, setting base by fitting to plane, sphere, cylinder, derived vertical line, parallel plane and so on. Measure by nonius like operation is also available.
- Measure distance and angle of points / lines / faces
- Fitting to line / face / sphere / cylinder / cone
- Measure by nonius planes
- Measure volume / surface area / center of mass of selected area
- Measure surface area of particles or cavities at section
Processed data can be saved. If data is read by scaling down, changes can be reflected to the original data. Result list can be exported.

Surface polygon data can be exported as capable format file for 3D printers. Therefore CT-scanned data will reproduce the original specimen by model.
Image above is modified from the figure 1 and 2 of [Naotomo Kaneko, Hikaru Uno and Tomohiro Iwashita, 2016, Modeling of geological specimen by 3D printer, Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan, 67]
Simple motion movie can be exported.
- Export voxel data as sectional image sequences
- Export polygon data as a STL or OBJ format file (ready data for 3D printer)
- Save 3D objects including duplicated polygon data
- Capture screen and section
- Export result list by CSV file
- Make simple motion movie file
- Select processing voxel data and export as sectional image sequences
- Export voxel data by rotation / magnification / trimming
- Export huge voxel data by magnification / trimming
Extra: Particle / Cavity Analysis
* Another License

Extract and analyze cavities (void) or particles inside 3D objects. Result list and screen correspond. Result can be also saved as polygon data. Useful for detecting defective parts or contamination.
- Analyze all particles or cavities inside voxel data and measure volume / surface area / center of mass / convex hull volume
- Indicate corresponding data of both screen and list
- Duplicate result polygon data
- Export result list as CSV file
Extra: Fiber / Direction Analysis
* Another License

Extract and analyze vector component inside 3D objects. Useful for analyzing directive parts or detecting distortion.
- Analyze vector component inside voxel data by each division
- Analyze vector component inside voxel data as continuous line or plane
- Duplicate result polygon data
- Export result list as CSV file
Functions are based on latest version.
Molcer Plus--3D image visualization and processing software
Reconstruct 3D models from sectional image sequences produced by X-ray CT or MRI. Easy to see surface / section / internal structure of data. It also implements ultrafast arithmetic operation by GPGPU.
Various measuring / analyzing methods are available. As well as processing / trimming / filtering / polygon reduction. Useful for 3D printing.